Review: Raju Yadav Agony of an unlucky lover

Review: Raju Yadav Agony of an unlucky lover


Raju Yadav (Getup Srinu) has a condition that makes him appear constantly happy; deep down, though, he is battling his inner demons. Behind the seemingly happy facade lies a hidden truth – a facial deformity that requires corrective surgery that is out of his financial reach. His poor father and Raju can only dream of a miracle. Sweetie, a beautiful woman (played by Ankita Kharat), sways his heart. From this point in time, Raju’s focus shifts from his deformity to the unfolding love within. What kind of problems he encounters in the process of winning her love forms the rest of the story.

Telugu Funda’s take on key performances:

Getup Srinu: Good in comedy scenes, terrific in hyper-emotional scenes.
Ankita Kharat: An average performer who looks hot. The hollow script must take the blame for failing her.
Anand Chakrapani: He plays Raju’s father in a conventional manner. If you have seen the trailer, there is nothing much to expect from him.
Others: None of the characters around Raju and Sweetie make their presence felt.

Telugu Funda Negatives:

The story revolves around Raju Yadav’s accident and its aftermath, neglecting character development beyond the incident. The level of emotional manipulation takes silly proportions. The film heavily relies on sympathy for Raju, often portraying him as the target of negativity. His character never comes to life, though.

There is a shift in tone after a point. The introduction of the character Sweetie brings no rewards for the viewer in its wake. Unclear emotions and underdeveloped characters lead to weak dialogue.

Telugu Funda Positives:

To be sure, the film is focused even if the narration is barely immersive. There are no unnecessary characters. Had writer-director Krishnamachary really attempted to make things interesting by infusing strong characterizations, the behaviour of Raju’s love interest would have elevated the script to the next level.

It is rare that the male lead is given a physical flaw in our movies. On that count, ‘Raju Yadav’ scores. It is also appreciable that Getup Srinu, who is known for comedy performances, took on this role.

Telugu Funda Verdict:

‘Raju Yadav’ is not your quintessential movie that has the depth its storyline requires. The climax is cathartic. But the build-up to this stage is replete with dragging moments.

TeluguFunda Rating: 2.25 /5

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