The Torch-Bearer Of Stuartpuram: Tiger Nageswara Rao

Tiger Nageswara Rao REview

There are always two sides of a coin, and one side of the coin is always opposite to the other to the other side. Tiger Nageswara Rao, A thief is always seen in the eyes of police and in articles in newspapers that express the cruelty and brutality of the seasoned robber during the period of the 1970’s. But to dive into the movie of “Tiger Nageswara Rao”, Directed by “Vamsee” and Produced by “ Abhisekh Pictures” released on Oct 20, 2023.

A thief or robber is a criminal under what circumstances he had done a crime, But imagine when you are thrown out of your house, or your family is brutally killed by some landlord, or you are in a situation to kill your own parents, or women in your family are molested before your eyes and you are helpless to do anything. Among all these, you are forced to work for the very same person for the sake of fulfilling hunger. The sequence of incidents has happened in the village of Stuartpuram. 


Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi) security chief arranges an emergency meeting with all other heads of the police force and Intelligence heads and a CI from Andhra Pradesh Viswanath Sastry (Murali Sharma) gets invited by the team headed by Rajput ( Anupam Kher) only informed that Tiger Nageswara Rao threatened that he will rob Prime Minister residence on a particular date.

Since Viswanatha Sastry is in the zone of Tiger Nageswara Rao, his expertise and experience are taken into account. Sastry reveals the Story of Stuartpuram Nageswara Rao he murdered his father at the age of 8 years, brutally murdered 24 people of local Mla Yalamandu, and injured many other police in the process.

Sastry also reveals that due to his lust for gold and smuggling, he made his lover commit suicide without having any options leaving to her. He also informs that he made several jail escapes and a popular one was from Jailer “Ponnu Swamy” jail which was in Tamil Nadu for his gold robbery. The skill of Nageswara Rao in looting a train on the Godavari Bridge within five and a half minutes was also clearly explained to the security chief in Delhi.

This enrages Rajput and challenges that the thief might be good but not good enough to steal something from PM’s Residence. But as per plan, Tiger Nageswara Rao did that robbery at said time and place. This causes chaos among the PM and PM’s Security. 

Due to the increased threat level from the TIger to the Prime Minister, the Security Chief himself visits Stuartpuram in disguise.

Why did Nageswara Rao become such a bloodsucker? What made him murder his father at such young age? Why did he had done such bloodshed of Mla people? Why he wants 300Kgs of Gold? Why such a local thief Nageswara Rao caused such chaos in the Prime Minister’s office? What measures are taken to restrain Nageswara Rao is to be watched on the screen?


Ravi Teja and Anupam Kher gave their best standout performance in the movie.

Both the heroines Sara (Nuper Sanon) and Mani (Gayatri)  did their part well.

Sadistic CI (Jisshu Sengupta) and MLA Yelamandu suited their roles extremely well.

Renu Desai cameo is strong support to the story.

TeluguFunda Thumbs up:

For the director presenting this biopic to the audience.

Art director for his amazing artwork representing the 1970’s.

Music Director (G V Prakash ) for his chartbuster album and BGM’s.

TeluguFunda Thumbs Down:

For the unnecessary drag scenes with Mani (Gayatri) in the second half.

TeluguFunda Rating: 2.5/5.

Verdict : Watch to know the other side of Nageswara Rao and his contribution towards Stuartpuram. When observed deeply one will thank him for stuartpuram becoming a normal living place rather than a robber’s den in the present.

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