Shivam Bhaje (2024): Not just a cliche-fest, but a farce too

This Misson-Impossible-ish plot might need a Tom-Cruise-ish only if the story could be a little better convincing, without turning the plot into an excruciating farce.

Try to imagine what the writer & director, Apsar, might have said to the ‘proud’ producer, Maheswara Reddy Mooli, before narrating the story. Idhi chaala kotha katha sir (it is all new story sir). Now, you may want to ask me: What is the newness in this 2 hour-dragged cliche after cliche? The so-called newness for the sake of having something new is the knowledge thrown away at us from wikipedia description box and a few ‘Did you know?’ facts that seems to have been ripped from Youtube Shorts. 

Whenever we enter a cinema hall, you might tend to suspend your disbelief and try to accept the cinema as the film maker wants to show, especially the commercial cinema that you know is going to be a shit-show. I too wiped my spectacles in the hope of feeling good if not better after the movie. How long did I last this test? The introduction fight itself is a huge red-flag to make run out of theatre. But, what else can you do except bear it to tell you guys how bad the film actually is. 

Ashwin “Babu” is a EMI loan recovery agent living in a lavish house for a middle-class family, accidentally (or, as intended by the Lord Shiva, the movie claims?) gets his eyes ‘xenotransplanted’ to stop a bio-war declared by our rival Pakistan and China by injecting Cyanide into our vaccines (not kidding) just to delivert the military attention to this bio-war and capture the controversial area in Arunachal Pradesh. 

This Misson-Impossible-ish plot might need a Tom-Cruise-ish only if the story could be a little better convincing, without turning the plot into a farce. The treatment of Xenotransplantation to prevent a near-World War 3 is impossibly impossible to convince yourself that you are seriously watching a rare medical achievement dealing with international diplomatic affairs. It is just excruciatingly horrible to experience the supposed thrill of a crime murder that gives you an impression of feeling cheated upon as the monologue montages play out in the climax just before the caricaturization of a divine spirit fighting the demons with trishuls. The climax animated shot of Lord Shiva with heavy drum beat is a reminder of Hanu-Man’s iconic revealing of Lord Hanuman. A cheap rip and unjustified rip off of everything and nothing. 

Shivam Bhaje is now playing in Theatres. 

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