Bhoothadam Bhaskar Narayana Reviewed As Whispers of Fear


Movies like ‘Chusi Choodangane,’ ‘Gamanam,’ and ‘Manucharitra’ highlight Shiva Kandukuri as an emerging talent in the film industry. Additionally, the audience can anticipate another captivating film from him, titled ‘Bhootadhdham Bhaskar Narayana.’ released today, let delve into how BBN impressed the audiences.


A wave of terror has swept across the picturesque landscapes of Telangana and Karnataka, leaving a trail of chilling murders in its wake. The serial killer responsible for this macabre spree brands their crimes with a sinister signature—a scare doll. As fear tightens its grip on the two states, a lone detective, Hero Bhaskar, steps into the shadows, propelled by personal tragedy and an unquenchable thirst for justice.

In this riveting tale of suspense and crime, the film unfolds on a dual canvas. One frame captures the nightmarish reality of the killings, each victim marked by the eerie presence of a scare doll. In the other frame, Hero Bhaskar, portrayed with unwavering determination, is consumed by the quest to unmask the sadistic puppeteer behind the terror.

Bhaskar’s journey from a grieving sibling to a relentless detective forms the emotional core of the narrative. His decision to become a detective stems from the haunting suicide of his brother, a personal tragedy that fuels his unwavering commitment to solving crimes and preventing others from suffering a similar fate.

As Bhaskar dives into the investigation, he confronts a myriad of challenges that test the limits of his intellect and emotional resilience. The killer, a shadowy figure adept at leaving cryptic clues, turns each crime scene into a grotesque puzzle. The detective must navigate through a maze of false leads, red herrings, and psychological mind games, all while dealing with the ghosts of his past that threaten to unravel his focus.

The geographical expanse of the crimes adds another layer of complexity to Bhaskar’s mission. Coordinating with law enforcement agencies across two states introduces bureaucratic hurdles, jurisdictional disputes, and political interference. The detective’s pursuit of justice is hindered at every turn, forcing him to confront not only the physical challenges of the investigation but also the dark underbelly of the society he seeks to protect.

Amidst the chaos, Bhaskar’s indomitable spirit shines through. The screenplay paints a vivid picture of his relentless pursuit, showcasing his brilliant deductive skills, resilience, and an uncanny ability to connect the dots that elude others. Each revelation brings him closer to unraveling the mystery, providing a tantalizing mix of suspense and satisfaction for the audience.

The climax of the film delivers a gripping confrontation between Hero Bhaskar and the elusive killer, unraveling the twisted motives behind the scare doll murders. The resolution is not just a victory for justice but also a cathartic moment for Bhaskar as he confronts the demons that led him on this harrowing journey.

Unraveling the Scare Doll Murders” stands as a compelling cinematic exploration of crime, redemption, and the human spirit’s capacity to triumph over darkness. As the credits roll, the audience is left with a sense of closure, having witnessed the transformation of Hero Bhaskar from a man haunted by personal tragedy to a beacon of justice in the face of unspeakable horror.


The perfect alignment of actors with their characters can elevate a film from good to exceptional. The dynamic duo of Shiva Kandukuri and Raashi Singh has proven to be a noteworthy example of this synergy in recent cinematic offerings. Their latest collaboration brings forth a riveting tale where their performances seamlessly meld with the narrative, captivating audiences from start to finish.

Shiva Kandukuri, known for his nuanced portrayals, once again steps into his role with a natural ease that has become his trademark. His ability to embody the essence of his character adds depth and authenticity to the storyline. Raashi Singh, on the other hand, complements Kandukuri’s presence with her own captivating performance, creating on-screen chemistry that resonates with the audience.

However, what truly sets this cinematic journey apart is the unexpected twist introduced through the antagonist. Without divulging the character’s name to avoid spoilers, it can be revealed that the antagonist’s portrayal is nothing short of a revelation. The surprise factor is carefully woven into the plot, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

As the narrative unfolds, the antagonist’s character development becomes increasingly intriguing. The actor behind this mysterious figure delivers a performance that steadily builds, reaching its pinnacle in the climactic moments of the film. The antagonist’s presence becomes a force to be reckoned with, leaving an indelible mark on the audience.

To maintain the element of surprise for potential viewers, we refrain from disclosing the antagonist’s name here. Suffice it to say, the actor’s portrayal adds layers of complexity to the storyline, contributing significantly to the overall impact of the film.

In an era where predictability often plagues cinema, the seamless integration of talented actors like Shiva Kandukuri and Raashi Singh, coupled with the unexpected brilliance of the antagonist, breathes fresh life into the narrative. Audiences are treated to a cinematic experience that not only entertains but also challenges their expectations.

Telugu Funda Analysis 

The foundation of any great film lies in its screenplay, and “BBN” delivers in spades. The narrative is meticulously crafted, seamlessly weaving together multiple threads to create a tapestry of intrigue and suspense. Each scene is carefully constructed to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, with twists and turns that defy expectations. The pacing is impeccable, drawing viewers deeper into the story with each passing moment.

 The hero’s performance is the beating heart of “BBN” and it doesn’t disappoint. With a commanding screen presence and impeccable acting chops, the hero embodies the essence of his character, drawing viewers into his world and making them root for his success. His portrayal is nuanced and layered, capturing the complexities of the role with depth and authenticity.

Amidst the tension and drama, offers moments of levity through well-crafted comedy scenes. These moments provide much-needed relief from the intensity of the plot, allowing viewers to catch their breath and share a laugh with the characters. The comedy is cleverly integrated into the narrative, enhancing the overall entertainment value of the film without detracting from its suspenseful core.

The background music in BBN serves as a powerful storytelling tool, heightening emotions and setting the mood for each scene. From pulse-pounding action sequences to tender moments of reflection, the BGM enhances the viewer’s experience, immersing them fully in the world of the film. The score is masterfully composed, with haunting melodies and stirring orchestrations that linger long after the credits roll.

One of the most intriguing aspect is its clever narrative structure, with the titular chapter revealed only in the final moments of the film. This revelation serves as a satisfying payoff for viewers, tying together loose ends and leaving them hungry for more. It’s a bold storytelling choice that adds an extra layer of depth to the overall narrative, ensuring that “Chapter 2” lingers in the minds of audiences long after they leave the theater.

 The concept of “Dishti Bomma” serves as a captivating throughline ” adding an element of mystique and cultural significance to the story. The recurring motif of the dishti bomma, or evil eye doll, ties into the film’s themes of superstition and fate, lending an air of intrigue to the proceedings. Its presence serves as a constant reminder of the unseen forces at play, heightening the tension and suspense throughout the film.

Telugu Funda Verdict

Bhoothadam Bhaskar Narayana excels in many aspects of storytelling, it is essential to acknowledge its limitations. The performances of side characters and the villain, the disconnected love track, issues with dubbing, a lack of emotional connection to the characters, and the need for a more robust exploration of emotions are areas where the film could have fared better. Nevertheless, recognizing these aspects doesn’t diminish the film’s overall impact but instead serves as constructive feedback for future endeavors. Filmmaking, like any art form, is a continuous process of growth and refinement, and it is through honest assessments that the industry can continue to evolve and produce more compelling narratives.

Worth Watching for a few thrills – Telugu Funda

Telugu Funda Rating: 2.75/5

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