Allu Ayaan and Arha Allu, the adorable children of superstar Allu Arjun, recently became the talk of the internet by joining a viral trend. Along with their uncle, Allu Sirish, they recreated the popular Hyderabadi Instagram meme featuring the hilarious line, “Pathar Pe Pathar Maare Toh Chingari Nikalti.” Their energetic performance and perfect timing made the video a massive hit online.
Why Did the Video Go Viral?
The video gained attention because of its catchy dialogue and the fun energy brought in by Allu Ayaan and Arha. Fans loved watching the siblings and their uncle have a blast together. The reel showed their charming personalities and offered a glimpse into the playful side of the Allu family, strengthening their bond with fans.
Allu Sneha Reddy, Allu Arjun’s wife, shared this fun video on her social media with the caption, “🤪 #ayaan #special.” The reel quickly caught fire, gathering over 9 lakh likes and 16.2 million views.
Netizens flooded the comments with praise. Many found it hilarious, with one user commenting, “The last ‘thaggedhele’ dialogue felt so personal!” Others pointed out that Ayaan reminded them of the late comedian Allu Ramalingaiah, a legendary figure in Telugu cinema.
Allu Arjun’s Family Moments
Allu Arjun is known for prioritizing his family despite his busy schedule. Recently, the family celebrated Makar Sankranti 2025 together. Sneha Reddy shared heartfelt pictures of the celebration on her Instagram, captioned, “Happy Sankranthi #2025.” The photos featured Allu Arjun, Sneha, and their children, Ayaan and Arha, radiating festive joy.
Allu Arjun’s Massive Success with Pushpa 2
While his kids were busy trending online, Allu Arjun continued to enjoy the monumental success of his blockbuster movie Pushpa 2: The Rule. The film earned over ₹1800 crores globally, including ₹800 crores from Bollywood alone, making it the highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time. This success further cemented his position as a pan-India superstar.
Currently, Allu Arjun is working on his next Telugu film with Trivikram Srinivas, and fans are eagerly waiting for more updates.
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