Attitude Boy ‘Siddarth Roy’ Missed Few Things – Telugu Funda


Siddharth Roy enters the cinematic arena with a sense of anticipation, anchored by the debut of child artiste Deepak Saroj in the lead role. The collaborative efforts of the creative team promise a unique cinematic experience, encompassing a director with vision, a seasoned producer, a maestro in music, an adept cinematographer, and a skilled editor. The amalgamation of these talents sets the stage for high expectations surrounding the film’s release.


“Siddharth Roy,” life is perceived through the lens of logic and basic physical needs by the titular character, portrayed by the debutant Deepak Saroj. A young man with a notably detached emotional disposition, Siddharth navigates his existence with a focus on the pragmatic aspects of survival—food, sleep, and intimacy. This perspective sets the stage for a narrative that takes an unexpected turn when the emotionally aloof Siddharth finds himself entangled in the complexities of love.

Enter Indumathi, played by Tanvi Negi—a character whose beliefs stand in stark contrast to Siddharth’s rational worldview. The unexpected happens as Siddharth, against his logical inclinations, falls headlong into love, creating a dynamic shift in the narrative. The film beautifully explores the nuances of their relationship, unraveling a tale that goes beyond the surface of logic and dives deep into the intricate realms of emotions.

However, the tranquility of their newfound connection is disrupted when Indumathi abruptly leaves Siddharth. The departure leaves behind a lingering mystery, sparking questions about the nature of her exit and the impact it has on Siddharth. Did she return for Siddhu, or did the emotionally detached youngster undergo a transformation for her? These enigmas form the crux of the film, propelling the audience into a journey of unraveling the complexities of love, personal growth, and the intertwining of two contrasting worldviews.

As the narrative unfolds, “Siddharth Roy” becomes a poignant exploration of the transformative power of love, challenging the protagonist’s preconceived notions and delving into the mysteries that love often brings. Deepak Saroj’s portrayal of Siddharth, navigating the intricacies of emotions and logical reasoning, promises to be a key highlight in this journey of self-discovery and love’s unpredictable nature.


Debuting as a lead actor is a bold and daring step, and Deepak Saroj’s decision to take on this challenge in “Siddharth Roy” deserves recognition. Departing from the norm, Deepak brings a fresh perspective to the narrative, embracing a character that diverges from the conventional roles often associated with debutants. His portrayal of Siddharth Roy showcases not only his acting prowess but also his willingness to explore unconventional characters.

Executing the director’s vision admirably, Deepak Saroj earns praise for his commitment to the role. Bringing Siddharth Roy to life requires a delicate balance between the logical nuances of the character and the emotional intricacies that unfold throughout the narrative. Deepak navigates this balance with finesse, breathing life into Siddharth and allowing the audience to witness the character’s growth and transformation. His bold choice to step into the lead role signifies a promising beginning to his journey as a lead actor.

Tanvi Negi, portraying the character of Indumathi, delivers a performance that perfectly aligns with the essence of her role. Her on-screen presence exudes captivating charm, enriching the narrative with authenticity and depth. Tanvi’s ability to embody the complexities of her character adds layers to the storytelling, making Indumathi a compelling and relatable figure.

In the dynamic between Siddharth and Indumathi, Tanvi Negi’s performance contributes significantly to the chemistry that propels the narrative forward. Her portrayal captures the nuances of love, conflicting beliefs, and the emotional turbulence that defines their relationship. Tanvi’s presence on screen adds a layer of authenticity to the film, enhancing the overall coherence of the storytelling.

A film’s strength often lies in the collective performances of its cast, and “Siddharth Roy” benefits from a supporting cast that delivers commendable performances. Each member of the ensemble stays true to their respective roles, contributing to the coherence of the film’s narrative. The supporting cast’s commitment to their characters enriches the overall cinematic experience, creating a cohesive storytelling tapestry.

Technical Aspects:

Director Yeshasvi’s approach to narrating the story in “Siddharth Roy” could have benefited from exercising more restraint, avoiding unnecessary embellishments that may have hindered the overall coherence. The film may have benefited from a more streamlined storytelling approach, allowing the narrative to unfold organically without unnecessary distractions.

The screenplay, unfortunately, lacks the dynamism required to sustain momentum throughout the film. The absence of a consistently engaging narrative flow can impact the audience’s immersion in the story. A more robust and dynamic screenplay could have elevated the overall viewing experience, ensuring a tighter grip on the audience’s attention.

While the cinematography in “Siddharth Roy” meets expectations, capturing the essence of the characters and locales with finesse, the musical score falls short of enhancing the narrative’s impact. Music, composed by Radhan, plays a crucial role in elevating emotional beats and creating a resonant atmosphere. However, the film’s score is perceived as a missed opportunity to deepen the emotional connection with the audience and amplify key moments within the story

One of the critical aspects affecting the film’s overall reception is pacing, and “Siddharth Roy” seems to struggle in maintaining a consistently engaging rhythm. Significant editing is warranted in both halves of the film to improve pacing, ensuring that the narrative unfolds seamlessly without unnecessary lulls that may disrupt the audience’s connection with the story.

Despite the aforementioned criticisms, the commendable production values of “Siddharth Roy” deserve acknowledgment. The film benefits from high-quality production, evident in set design, visual aesthetics, and overall technical execution. The commitment to delivering a visually appealing cinematic experience is reflected in the film’s production values.

Telugu Funda Analysis:

While the storyline of “Siddharth Roy” may have held promise on paper, its on-screen execution faces challenges, primarily stemming from an excessive focus on the hero’s characterization. This concentration on external traits may lead to a narrative that meanders, appearing contrived and redundant at times. The story’s potential depth and complexity might be overshadowed by an overwhelming emphasis on the hero’s persona.

The film faces a disconnect with the audience, particularly families, due to the inclusion of gratuitous lovemaking scenes, bold and provocative dialogues, and character behaviors. These elements, while attempting to convey a certain edginess, may fail to resonate with a broader audience, detracting from the film’s overall appeal. Balancing content to ensure relatability across diverse audience segments is crucial for a film’s success.

The lackluster songs within the film contribute to a disjointed narrative, hindering viewer engagement. Music, when used effectively, has the power to enhance emotional beats and strengthen the overall impact of the story. In “Siddharth Roy,” the songs may fall short of achieving this, potentially affecting the film’s ability to create a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience.

Telugu Funda Verdict:

Beyond Deepak’s committed performance, *Siddharth Roy* offers too little for viewers to celebrate. The film’s excessive focus on the hero’s characterization, coupled with narrative challenges, limits its ability to resonate with a diverse audience. While the romantic drama genre holds the potential for emotional depth and universal appeal, the film falls short in delivering a cohesive and engaging cinematic experience.

Given the excesses and limitations within *Siddharth Roy*, viewers, especially family audiences, are advised to explore alternative entertainment options. The film’s struggle to balance characterization, coupled with narrative inconsistencies, may detract from the overall viewing experience. As the cinematic landscape offers a plethora of choices, seeking alternative avenues for entertainment might provide a more satisfying and resonant experience.

Telugu Funda Verdict: 2/5

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