The ninth week of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: Nominations All-Around

The ninth week of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu

A significant number of contestants found themselves in the nomination pool. Even prior to the commencement of the show, Deputy Captain Gautam made his choices, selecting Ratika and Shobha Shetty for possible eviction. Gautam underscored the importance of all housemates fulfilling their designated tasks. Consequently, he declared that those failing to perform adequately would face nomination for eviction that week. Additionally, Gautam announced a unique recognition, labeling Uma and Vicky as “Strugglers,” a title reserved for those encountering challenges yet not actively contributing to tasks. With this declaration, the nomination process commenced.

Pallavi Prashanth took the lead in initiating nominations this week. Amar and Teja were the ones to nominate Prashanth. His nomination stemmed from his disqualification from the Captaincy race earlier in the week. Subsequently, a heated exchange occurred between Dragon and Amar, with Dragon accusing Amar of shifting allegiances. Amar was charged with disloyalty, leading to a heated argument. In response, Amar reminded Dragon of his previous stint as Captain and suggested that Dragon consider reclaiming the position. Notably, Prashanth exhibited no disruptive behavior during the nominations; he put forth Pallavi’s name following a compelling argument.

When Priyanka joined the scene, she nominated Ratika. Later, Bole made his selection. Had Bhanbulaga introduced a Wild Card entry, Priyanka could have made a strong contender. However, Priyanka’s decision was influenced by her statement expressing her disinterest in active participation. Arjun chose to nominate Shobha Shetty and Amardeep, while Shivaji nominated Amardeep and Teja. Arjun confronted Amar, questioning his failure to nominate the individuals he wished to see out of the house, implying that his choices remained consistent both inside and outside the house. Teja justified her decision not to nominate Shivaaji, citing her fondness for him. Arjun clarified that his comment was not made in jest; he intended to be the sole nominator for Teja, posing the question of why Teja did not nominate him. The nominations intensified significantly during this week.

Bhole entered the fray, nominating Priyanka and Amar. This action led to a verbal altercation between Bhole and Amar. Amar accused Bhole of seeking revenge, an allegation Bhole vehemently denied. Bhole clarified that his nomination of Amar stemmed from Amar’s actions in the first week when he nominated Bhole. Bhole emphasized that his choice was not driven by revenge. In response, Amar argued that he was merely responding to Bhole’s actions and would continue to do as he saw fit. Bhole accused Amar of resorting to abusive language, a claim that Amar attempted to counter with his perspective. The argument escalated, prompting other contestants to intervene. The nomination process created a noticeable division among the housemates, leading to two distinct groups emerging.

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