‘Sarangadhariya’ to be available for streaming on THIS platform

‘Sarangadhariya’, a drama film written and directed by Padmarao Abbisetti (Pandu), features Raja Ravindra, Mohi Shm, Mohit Pedada, Yashaswini Srinivas, Neela Priya Devulapalli and Shivakumar Ramachandravarapu in prominent roles.

The news is that the family drama will be available for streaming on Aha from August 31.

What are the movie’s most striking highlight?

The interval scene, which comes with a reveal. A couple of reviews have spilled the beans. But we are withholding the interval reveal for our readers.

How about the treatment?

A beautiful interval block is followed by a dull second half. And that’s what made a reviewer complain that ‘Sarangadhariya’ has an “interesting, albeit somewhat dully-paced, slice-of-life quality.”

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