Sakshi Vaidya is Nitya in Sharwanand’s 37th film

Sakshi Vaidya is Nitya in Sharwanand's 37th film

Sharwanand is playing the lead role in director Ram Abbaraju’s next. Sakshi Vaidya of ‘Agent’ and ‘Gandeevadhari Arjuna’ fame is one of its female leads. Nitya is her name in the movie.

After the dual flops last year, Sakshi needs to score a hit. Sharwa37, which is yet to be titled, offers her a unique opportunity to make a comeback.

In an interview in April last year before the release of her debut Telugu film, Sakshi said that she had never planned on acting and that she just stumbled into auditions on a whim. “Stepping into someone else’s shoes changes you – you tap into a whole range of emotions in a single performance. It’s a wild ride, perfect for a quick learner like me,” she said in the interview, talking about how much she enjoys the acting profession. 

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