The team behind the blockbuster movie Pushpa 2: The Rule has taken down the song Dammunte Pattukora from all social media platforms, including YouTube. This decision comes after a tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre during the film’s premiere on December 4, 2024. The stampede claimed the life of a woman, Revathi, and left her son critically injured. Actor Allu Arjun, who plays the lead role, faced legal action and was later released on bail. He has pledged full support to Revathi’s family while criticizing political remarks against him as attempts at character assassination.
Song Details and Controversy
The song Dammunte Pattukora was released by T-Series on December 24, 2024. It showcased a gripping scene where Allu Arjun’s character, Pushpa, confronts police officer Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat, played by Fahadh Faasil. Lyrics like “If you’ve got the guts, catch me, Shekhawat!” gained attention for their boldness and connection to the movie’s plot. However, the song’s release coincided with Allu Arjun’s legal troubles, causing backlash online. Some netizens felt the lyrics mocked law enforcement, worsening the controversy surrounding the actor.
Removal of the Song
The intense public reaction prompted the makers to remove the song from T-Series’ YouTube channel shortly after its release. While many fans praised the track for its powerful theme, others criticized its timing, calling it insensitive given the ongoing situation. This mixed reception led the team to act swiftly to avoid further escalation.
Backstory and Fans’ Reactions
The sudden release and swift removal of the Dammunte Pattukora track left fans puzzled. Many questioned why the song was uploaded in the first place if it was going to be taken down so quickly.
Box Office Success Amid Controversy
Despite the controversies, Pushpa 2 remains a massive success. It has crossed the ₹1,000-crore mark, making it the highest-grossing Indian film of 2024.
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