Polite Society (2023): Wacky Spy-Comedy about Sisterhood & Aspirations.

What would happen if the confidence of a Batman meets the brain of a Mr. Bean? 

Ria Khan (Priya Kansara), sister to Lena Khan (Ritu Arya), is an aspiring stuntwoman- the profession which is dominated by the men. Lena Khan wants to be an artist, a painter- the department which is stereotypically stigmatised to women. As any other parent would do, Lena Khan gets discouragement from her family and she gets the required validation and thereby happiness from Salim Khan, the science-guy with lots of suspicious vibes casted around him by our impeccable brave but amateur spy-gang of Ria, Clara (Seraphina Beh) and Alba (Ella Bruccoleri). And, the adventure, or misadventure begins. So does the fun. 

The over-the-top whacky energy and punchy action of Priya coupled with her unrealistic suspicions slowly turning into a grim and dark reality is a clever move of feminist commentary.

What does a woman of Lena’s age with her self-doubts on her art and future would do if she is given a good-looking nice husband that comes along with a palace? 

Ria Khan attempting to stop the marriage of her sister appears to be the crazy idea of hers coming from either  smash-patriarchy woke-ism or the love-hate relationship in sisterhood. But, in reality, her attempt to stop the marriage is not just the marriage- which is again dominated by men, at least in Lena and Salim’s story. The over-the-top dreamer (rightfully), Ria, is not even mildly submissive as her sister. She is all rebel required for her profession. This feminist idea of the status quo of marriage again floats in the climax when the big secret mission is revealed that makes Lena just a human with a womb- the dominating belief in age-old times, and now.

This whacky over-the-top action comedy goes beyond the wackiness and stays true to its messaging: Sisterhood and Aspirations. 

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