Nani coming 2 gether with Vivek Athreya

Nani upcoming movie with vivek Athreya

Combinations the runs successfully tend to repeat over again and again due to their compatibility. One such combination is Natural Star Nani and Vivek Athreya who worked on the film “Ante Sundaraaniki…” 

The most lovable combination combined again with DVV Entertainments and the Nani31 announcement video is out now.

The movie is produced by DVV Danayya and Kalyan Dasari of DVV Entertainments who delivered RRR which went to global recognition with Oscar Awards.

This time with intense eyes from Nani in the announcement video looks promising that this combo is planning to do something more exciting compared to Ante Sundaraaniki. The Short video gave a look into the hard work and shoot preparation they are working on.

The background score and the color tint in the announcement video show that this exciting combo is exploring something unique this time dropping an exciting update mentioning that Nani31 will be unchained on the 23rd of this month and the muhurtham on the 24th.   

For more Natural Star Nani’s updates on Nani31 follow Telugu Funda on your favorite Social Media Site and Apps.

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