Kismat Ka Kismat – A Review By Telugu Funda

Kismat Review by Telugu Funda

The much-anticipated film “Kismat,” directed by Srinath Badineni, boasts an ensemble cast featuring Naresh Agastya, Abhinav Gomatam, Avasarala Srinivas, Vishwa Dev, Riya Suman, Ajay Ghosh, Temper Vamshi, Chammak Chandra, and Racha Ravi. Produced by Raju, the movie promises an exciting cinematic experience with a stellar lineup of talented actors. Mark K Robin, known for his musical prowess, takes charge as the music director, while Vedaraman Shankaran handles the cinematography, adding visual flair to the narrative. With Viplav Nyshadam as the editor, “Kismat” combines a talented crew and an impressive cast, leaving audiences eagerly awaiting its release.


In the bustling city of Hyderabad, three unemployed engineers, Karthik (Naresh Agastya), Abhi (Abhinav Gomatam), and Kiran (Viswadev Rachakonda), find themselves in a twist of fate as they cross paths with Soori (Temper Vamsi). Soori is on a mission to locate missing money belonging to Janardhan (Ajay Gosh), an aspiring MLA. Unbeknownst to them, the trio becomes inadvertent custodians of the elusive funds, triggering a chain of events. As the narrative unfolds, questions arise about the whereabouts of the money and Vivek’s (Srinivas Avasarala) involvement in this financial conundrum. The film, rife with suspense and intrigue, weaves a tale that keeps the audience guessing about the next twist in the plot.


The commendable performances of Naresh Agastya, Abhinav Gomatam, and Viswadev Rachakonda truly deserve appreciation. 

Notably, Abhinav Gomatam shines with his impeccable comedic timing, delivering witty one-liners that make him stand out.

 Ajay Ghosh and Temper Vamsi also leave a lasting impact with their powerful and impactful performances in the film.

Technical Aspects:

The writer and director failed to seize the opportunity to create a compelling screenplay, which could have elevated Kismat into a more engaging cinematic experience. 

Mark K Robin’s music and cinematography, while making subtle contributions, lack the ability to make a lasting impact. 

The editing could have been more refined, and although the production values meet the expected standard, there is still room for improvement.

Telugu Funda Analysis:

Kismat on a whole looks good but  lacks the crisp storytelling typically associated with crime comedies, and a more engaging screenplay could have significantly elevated the film. The surplus of characters proves to be a drawback.

Additionally, Riya Suman’s screen presence is unfortunately limited. The initial sluggish pace of the first half persists into the second, introducing unnecessary drama for comedic and suspenseful effects. Despite a concise runtime, the film becomes tedious. Srinivas Avasarala’s role, alongside Riya Suman’s, adds little value to the overall narrative.

Telugu Funda Verdict:

Kismat unfolds as a routine crime drama with a lackluster screenplay despite commendable performances from the lead cast. One time watchable for laughs and gags
Telugu Funda Review: 2.25 / 5

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