Hero Siva Kanthamaneni promises a rollercoaster of emotions in this film

Hero Siva Kanthamaneni promises a rollercoaster of emotions in this film

“Madhurapudi Gramam Ane Nenu” is a high voltage action drama starring “Akkadokaduntadu” fame Siva Kanthamaneni. Directed by Kalyan Ram “Katti” fame Malli. Kathleen Gowda played the heroine and melody was composed by Brahma Manisharma. Under the direction of Muppa Venkaiah Chaudhary and presented by G. Rambabu Yadav under the banner of Light House Cine Magic, KS Shankar Rao, R. Venkateswara Rao jointly produced. The film is releasing worldwide on October 13. On this occasion, hero Siva Kanthmaneni spoke to the media about the features of the film. Those details..How did the movie ‘Madhurapudi Gramam Ane Nenu’ start?

– The movie “Akkadokaduntadu” in which I played the hero played well in B and C centers. Malli, the director of this movie saw a poster of that movie. He thought that I would be set for the story he had written. They approached me saying that this is not the story of regular heroes and I would be good.

How is your role going to be in this film?
– I played the role of Suri in the movie “Madhurapudi Gramam Ane Nenu”. In the movie, characters like Suri, Babji, Duryodhana and Karna. What are the things that Suri did to grow Babji politically? How far will Suri go for a friend? How did the love story start in the middle? are very interesting.

What were the challenges faced in the journey of this film?
– Method acting had to be done for this movie. Entering Parakaya into Suri’s role was also a difficult task.. We also tried the Ongoli accent for this movie.

What is the significance of the title ‘Madhurapudi Gramam Ane Nenu’?
– This is the story of the town. Uru narrates her story saying, ‘My body is never green… sometimes it becomes red with human blood.’ Sounds like a ghost story of a village. This is a story that takes place entirely in a village. We have shown all kinds of events and emotions in the village.

How did Mani Sharma come into this project?
– Our director Malli Garu has given music to Mani Sharma for the movies he has made so far. The music of our film was also given with that rapo. RR will be amazing in this movie. The two songs that have already been released have received good response.

Apart from the hero, are there plans to do villain roles as well..?
– I am doing a powerful role in Manchu Lakshmi’s “Adiparvam”. Negative role offers are coming in well. But my businesses also require time. That’s why I don’t accept them.

Are you going to give any message with this movie?
– There is no such thing as a separate message. It will be a full commercial movie. But love is not about the body. The line related to the mind is implicit.

Are there any objections from the censors?
– A couple of scenes have been certified as violent. Our director did not agree to remove those scenes as they would be intense. That’s why the certificate came.

What aspects will be highlighted in the movie ‘Madhurapudi Gramam Ane Nenu’?
– Locations are highlighted in this film. We explored many places from Ongole to Yanam. The locations in this movie are amazing. Those old houses remind you of the bygone days. We will show the Ongos in terms of story. We shot in Rajahmundry and Machilipatnam.

How was it working with director Malli?
– Malli garu has brilliantly staged this movie. They took as much as they said. Not a single scene or shot was taken as an extra. The film has been completed with perfect planning.

What kind of projects are you planning to do in the future?
– I want to do films with a strong story and more scope for acting. “Manishankar” will be very good in nexts upcoming movies.

About heroine Kathleen Gowda and other actors?
– Kathleen Gowda played a role well beyond her age. Also the characters of Bharani, Satya and Nukaraju will be highlighted well. All have a lot of experience in acting.

What are your next films?
– Mani Shankar and Raghav Reddy films are coming. I am playing various roles like lawyer and factionist. I will announce the details of those movies very soon.

How many theaters is this movie releasing in?
– Earlier we thought to release it in 100-120 theaters…but the response is getting better than we expected in B and C centers. So there is a possibility of doubling the number of theaters.

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