Audience should watch the film ‘Perfume’ : Oscar Winner Chandra Bose

Oscar winner Chandra Bose

At the pre-release event of the film ‘Perfume,’ Oscar winner Chandra Bose urged the audience to watch the movie and make it a big hit. The upcoming film introduces a unique and thrilling concept based on smell, a groundbreaking idea that hasn’t been explored in previous movies. Produced by Sreeman Movies Presents, Mitra Movie Makers, and Forever Friends, ‘Perfume’ features Chenag and Prachi Thakar as a couple and is directed by J.D. Swamy.

Jointly produced by J. Sudhakar, Siva.B, Rajeev Kumar.B, Lavuri Srinivas, Rajendra Kankuntla, and Sridhar Akkineni (USA), the film boasts Ajay’s musical compositions. The grand release is scheduled for November 24. During the pre-release event, Chitraunit honored Chandra Bose, and notable guests such as Assistant Police Commissioner S Vishnumurthy, IRS Murali Mohan, Green Horse Company President Praveen Reddy, and Acharya Bhattu Ramesh extended their best wishes to the film unit.

Chenag, the film’s lead actor, expressed his gratitude, mentioning how the perfume concept was shared with him by JD two years ago. Despite initial challenges in conveying the story to others, Chenag eventually shaped the character himself, with support from the production team. He highlighted the uniqueness of the movie’s theme and layers, especially praising his character in dark mode. Chenag urged everyone to watch and support the film upon its release on November 24.

Renowned lyricist Chandra Bose, moved by the tribute song dedicated to him during the event, commended the team for the gift. He emphasized the brilliance of JD’s direction, Ajay’s lyrics, and the cinematography that captured the essence of the film. Chandra Bose encouraged the audience to support ‘Perfume’ and ensure its success.

Avrasala Srinivas, recalling Nagesh’s creative contributions as an assistant director, wished the film to bring him recognition and success. Director JD Swamy expressed confidence in the film’s unique perspective and urged everyone to experience it in theaters on November 24.

Music director Bheems Cecilio extended his best wishes to the ‘Perfume’ team, highlighting Chandra Bose’s influence on the movie. Heroine Prachi Thakar expressed her excitement about playing the role of Leela in this genre-defying film, thanking the director and producers for the opportunity.

Music director Ajay acknowledged the pleasure of working with Chandra Bose and credited the entire team for their support. Cameraman Mahesh, expressing his joy in working on the film, praised Chandra Bose’s lyrics, Ajay’s music, and urged the audience to contribute to the film’s success.

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