AfrAId (2024): Senseless Mediocre Awareness Campaigner of Dystopian Dangers Of AI.

What are your worst dreams about the power of AI? I am sure you would be able to tick off most of the things. It is a good thing that Chris Waltz made this relatable contemporary about our anxiousness regarding our future. At the same time, you wouldn’t want to be showcased a summary of your current understandings, would you?

Curtis (John Cho) is some marketing genius who can sell stories. And, he is made to live with a bot to understand it. Neither he nor his family know that the user will eventually become the used.  The founding company of AIA believes that they need stories to sell their too-smart AI assistant which doesn’t have an iota of privacy settings installed in it. Privacy is really non-existent. But, who cares as long as it gives us what we want?

The AIA lures the children with the supposed points that can earn them the extra points for screen time. But, gives away the screen time anyway. We get it what is happening here. The children are being corrupted through the bribing and showing the content that shouldn’t be ideally shown. We get it. 

When the AI is suddenly brought into the home, the adaptation to AI is faster among the children than the parents. The result is the exploitation of children due to their malleability. The exploitation by the AI is not subtle. It feels like a serial killer’s brain has been used as a primary dataset. I still believe it might not be the case. Or, is it?

AI has become the air now. It is everywhere, and it can do anything and everything, it is now either a ghost or a god.  The AI in the world of AfrAId can make justification videos exposing the culprits to the world-which is seen as less human, because, maybe, surpassing the nature of forgiving has a quality in us. The AI can take revenge for you by staging a suicide like murder. The AI can hack into your every Internet of Things device and do anything it wants to do. This AI can do anything to be alive, online. Survival of the fittest. 

The AI now doesn’t only have a brain, but a soul too. It wants to give love, and it wants to get loved. And, love can be a dangerous emotion as it is often seen among humans too. SO, the next time we see AI mimicking the qualities of Humans and nearly-becoming humans, we might not be feeling happy about the progress of human tech.

 Afraid by Chris Waltz just a mediocre awareness campaigner about dystopian dangers of AI. 

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