A tragic incident has occurred during the shooting of the Telugu film Hit 3, starring Natural Star Nani. The film’s crew was filming in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, when young cinematographer Krishna, a vital part of the team, suddenly fell ill.
Krishna’s Role in the Film and Background
Krishna, aged 30, had been working as an associate to renowned Malayalam director and cinematographer Sanu Varghese, who is the Director of Photography for Hit 3. The team had already filmed in Rajasthan and Arunachal Pradesh before traveling to Jammu and Kashmir for this schedule.
The Sudden Illness and Medical Treatment
On the 23rd of the month, Krishna was admitted to a hospital in Srinagar after suffering from a high fever. Her condition worsened, leading to her transfer to the Srinagar Government Medical College. Despite some improvement in her condition, Krishna tragically passed away from a heart attack while still undergoing treatment.
A Shocking Loss to the Film Industry
Krishna’s sudden death has shocked the entire film industry, leaving friends, family, and colleagues in grief. Krishna was the daughter of Krishna Kodambaram Rajan and Girija, hailing from Ernakulam. Her father is the owner of Guinness Studios in Perumbavoor and Kurupampadi. Krishna was also a member of the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) and had worked on several Malayalam films.
A Glimpse into Krishna’s Career
Krishna began her career as an assistant cinematographer in the Malayalam film Manoharam and later worked on many other projects. She had also been a freelance photographer and most recently worked on the Malayalam film Ponmani, starring Basil Joseph. Krishna’s sudden passing has left the film industry deeply saddened.
Family and Final Farewell
Krishna’s family, including her two brothers, Kannan and Unni, is mourning this loss. The body will be brought to Kochi for the last rites, which are scheduled to take place on Wednesday.
Remembering Krishna’s Legacy
Krishna’s dedication to her craft and her warm presence on set will be remembered by all who knew her. Her untimely death has left a deep void in the hearts of her family, friends, and colleagues in the film industry.
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