Fans of Kannada actor Yash have been eagerly waiting for details about his next big project. On Monday, Yash gave them something to celebrate, announcing that a special surprise related to his upcoming movie Toxic will be revealed on his birthday, January 8. He teased the announcement with a poster that hints at his look in the film, adding to the excitement surrounding the movie.
Teaser Poster Reveals Intriguing Details
In the poster, Yash appears dressed in a suit, complete with a hat, a full beard, and smoking a cigarette. He leans against a vintage car, suggesting the film’s setting might be from an earlier era. The text on the poster reads, “His untamed presence is your existential crisis,” adding an air of mystery and tension to the character Yash will portray. Fans went wild after the announcement, with many commenting on the poster, expressing their excitement and anticipation. Some predicted the film will break box-office records, while others excitedly wrote, “2000 cr loading!” Fans were also curious if a preview of the movie would be released on Yash’s birthday.
What We Know About “Toxic”
Originally scheduled for release on April 10, Toxic seems to be facing a potential delay. While the full cast has not been confirmed yet, rumors suggest Kiara Advani and Nayanthara may play key roles alongside Yash. The movie is directed by Geetu, known for her films Liar’s Dice and The Elder One. Set in the world of the drug mafia, Toxic promises to be an action-packed thriller. The film will be produced by Venkat K Narayana and Yash under the banners of KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations.
Yash’s Busy Schedule
Apart from Toxic, Yash is also gearing up for his role in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, where he will play the character of Raavan. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram and Sai Pallavi as Goddess Sita. With multiple high-profile projects lined up, Yash’s career continues to soar, keeping his fans excited for what’s to come.
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