Director Shankar has confirmed that his next ambitious project after Indian 3 will be a feature adaptation of Tamil author Su Venkatesan’s historical novel, Veera Yuga Nayagan Velpari. Speaking to the media in Chennai, Shankar revealed exciting details about this massive venture, while also addressing questions about his earlier plans for an Anniyan remake.
Shankar’s Dream Project: Velpari
Shankar described Velpari as a dream project he has been eager to bring to life. He plans to adapt the novel into a three-part film, emphasizing its scale and complexity. “The script is ready. This will be a mammoth project requiring a big budget,” he said. He added that he wants to take his time to explore new creative dimensions through this project.
The novel, published in 2019, is based on Tamil Sangam literature and tells the story of Pari, a tribal king known for his bravery and generosity. Pari, famously called Mullaikku Thaer Kodutha Paari, ruled Parambu and defied even the combined might of the Cheras, Cholas, and Pandiyas. In the end, he was defeated not by strength but through conspiracy.
No Anniyan Remake for Now
Shankar also clarified that his next project would not be the Anniyan remake with Ranveer Singh, as previously announced. Instead, he is focusing entirely on Velpari. This news puts an end to speculation about his other projects and highlights his commitment to the adaptation of Venkatesan’s novel.
Inspiration Behind Velpari
During the COVID-19 lockdown, Shankar read the novel and was captivated by its story. He acquired the rights to the book and began working on its script. Last year, he expressed frustration over unauthorized adaptations of scenes from the novel, though he refrained from elaborating further. “It upset me, but I can only ask them not to do it,” he said.
Upcoming Release: Game Changer
Before starting work on Velpari, Shankar will release his Telugu debut, Game Changer, on January 10. Starring Ram Charan, this film marks another milestone in Shankar’s illustrious career. Fans of Shankar and Tamil historical epics can now look forward to the long-awaited Velpari, which promises to be an extraordinary cinematic experience.
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