RGV hints at the Using AI to Produce a Song in His Upcoming ‘Saree’

RGV hints at the Using AI to Produce a Song in His Upcoming ‘Saree’

Ram Gopal Varma is known for the innovative ways of using technology right from the beginning, especially interms with cinematography and sound design. RGV took social media to hint at using of Artificial Intelligence to compose a song.

For his upcoming feature, Saree directed by Giri Krishna Kamal, RGV seems to have used the AI to compose and produce a song.

“Unlike AI APPS ,human Composers struggle to meet deadlines,musicians have scheduling conflicts,lyricists fail in capturing the essence and Singers too, come with their own set of issues which make the music production both TIME CONSUMING and EXPENSIVE,” wrote RGV in an Instagram post.


This is not the first time music composers are using AI in Telugu Film Industry. Vivek Sagar revealed that they had used AI to reproduce SP Balasubramanyam’s voice in Keeda Cola for a song titled, “Pattana O Pattu”

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