RGV Den: Your Film Contest throws up disappointing results

RGV Den: Your Film Contest throws up disappointing results

RGV Den recently floated an interesting initiative to spot the real talents among aspiring filmmakers. Eleven directors were short-listed from about 390 submissions. Out of fifty submissions made by aspiring music directors, ten made it to the final list. 

The shorts have been released. Barring the one in Malayalam language, the rest of them are disappointing in terms of execution and writing. It is understandable that the production values are poor since the films were produced with extremely meagre resources. 

However, nothing can justify the poor writing in most of the shorts. Much of the blame must be taken by RGV, too. 

The competition was flawed from the start. Directors were given the same plot: a new gang member’s forced initiation through a face-to-face killing. With a rigid storyline, there was little room for creative expression in writing or directing.

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