Director Sai Rajesh, known for his bold storytelling, initially planned a new film with the “Baby” lead pair—Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya. The project gained attention after its formal launch in 2023, especially with a striking announcement poster featuring Anand and Vaishnavi in an emotional scene. Fans were eager for another blockbuster from this duo.
However, production delays stalled the project. Recent reports now confirm a significant shift: Kiran Abbavaram has replaced Anand as the male lead. Riding high on the success of his recent film “Ka”, Kiran’s entry has generated fresh buzz. Meanwhile, sources reveal that Vaishnavi Chaitanya has also exited the project, and the team is currently searching for a new female lead.
This decision likely stems from Sai Rajesh’s desire to explore new dynamics and avoid repetition. Despite the rumors, producers SKN and Sai Rajesh have yet to issue an official statement regarding the replacements.
Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya Reunite for a Romantic Comedy
While Anand and Vaishnavi missed this opportunity, they are set to collaborate again under director Aditya Haasan of “#90s” fame. Aditya, celebrated for his fresh take on family drama, is now working on a romantic comedy featuring the hit pair. This untitled film will explore modern relationships, including themes like live-in dynamics and marriage.
Sources confirm that Anand quickly approved the script and personally recommended Vaishnavi for the role. The film promises a mix of humor and emotion, a signature of Aditya’s storytelling. Production details are expected soon.
Kiran Abbavaram Prepares for “Dilruba”
In other news, Kiran Abbavaram is creating excitement with his next project, titled “Dilruba”. The teaser introduces Kiran narrating his love story and the lessons he learned along the way. The film’s intriguing premise has already caught the audience’s attention. With these developments, both Anand and Kiran are carving unique paths in Telugu cinema, ensuring fans have much to look forward to in 2025.
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