The Hyderabad Police have registered a case against prominent Telugu actors Rana Daggubati, Venkatesh, and their family members for allegedly demolishing the Deccan Kitchen Hotel in Film Nagar. This action comes after a local court ordered an investigation into the matter.
Background of the Controversy
In November 2022, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) partially demolished the hotel and nearby structures. These buildings were constructed by Nanda Kumar, a businessman who had leased the land from the Daggubati family. Nanda Kumar was previously involved in a high-profile case regarding the alleged poaching of TRS MLAs. Despite ongoing legal disputes, the Daggubati family reportedly demolished the entire structure in January 2024.
Court and Police Actions
Following a complaint by Nanda Kumar, the Nampally Court directed the police to file an FIR. The case accuses the Daggubati family of violating court orders, including an injunction from the City Civil Court and a status quo order from the Telangana High Court.
The First Information Report (FIR) lists the following individuals:
Daggubati Suresh (producer) as Accused 1 (A1)
Daggubati Venkatesh (actor) as A2
Rana Daggubati (actor) as A3
Daggubati Abhiram (producer) as A4
Legal Charges Against the Family
The police have filed the case under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including:
Section 448: House trespass
Section 452: Trespassing with intent to harm
Section 458: Lurking trespass at night
Section 120B: Criminal conspiracy
Claims by the Complainant
Nanda Kumar alleges that the Daggubati family unlawfully entered the property, violated court orders, and caused significant damage. He claims a financial loss of ₹20 crore due to the demolition and vandalism.
Next Steps
The police will now investigate the allegations. The case highlights the serious consequences of defying legal orders and the accountability of high-profile individuals.
This development has garnered widespread attention, with many awaiting the legal proceedings’ outcome.
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