Netflix Original ‘Maharaj’ release stalled by High Court

Netflix Original 'Maharaj' release stalled by High Court

The Gujarat High Court has stalled the release of ‘Maharaj’ (Hindi-language Original of Netflix) on OTT. The film stars Junaid Khan, the son of Aamir Khan, in the lead.

The court gave the order based on a petition filed by a group of petitioners who follow a Hindu sect named the Pushtimarg. They argued that the show’s content might incite religious ill-will.

‘Maharaj’ is based on a 1862 court case. Netflix has been accused by Netizens of platforming “anti-Hindu propaganda content” and Hinduphobia even before it has been watched. 

Aamir Khan has also been attacked by many Netizens for no fault of his. Although nobody has watched the show, conclusions have been arrived at based on preconceived notions. ‘Maharaj’, as per those opposed to the show, defames Hindu saints and sages by showing them as “immoral, lustful and having a hooligan attitude”. Wonder what options Netflix will explore now! 

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