In the heart of the cinematic universe, where creativity meets the silver screen, a mind-bending saga has unfolded, captivating the hearts of audiences far and wide. The anticipation reached a crescendo as the much-awaited “Polimera2” hit theaters, and the response has been nothing short of extraordinary. With a resounding roar, the film made a grand entrance into the box office arena, setting off a spectacular blast on Day 1 that has left fans and critics in awe.
3 Crores Gross: A Testament to its Brilliance
The astounding success of Polimera2 is best reflected in its box office numbers. With a phenomenal 3 crores gross on Day 1, the film has shattered records, setting new benchmarks for the industry that a sequel to the film that was released its first part into OTT. Unknowingly the film have gained a lot of fans for its first part which resulted in the huge collections for the part-2 day one collections.
As heroine Dr.Kamakshi Bhaskarla said, the casting and director names will be remembered for a long time.
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