I am confident that Hanu-Man will be a proud movie: Director Prashant Varma

Director Prashant Varma is Confident abut the HanuMan Movie

‘Hanu-Man’ marks a significant milestone as the first Indian original superhero movie within creative director Prashanth Varma’s cinematic universe. Starring Teja Sajja in the lead role, the film has garnered immense attention globally, with the teaser, songs, and trailer receiving tremendous responses. Produced ambitiously by K Niranjan Reddy under Primeshow Entertainment, and presented by Mrs. Chaitanya, the movie is set for a grand worldwide release on January 12, coinciding with Hanuman Sankranti.

During a press conference, director Prashant Varma shared insights into the film, addressing various aspects:

Tejani’s Transformation for the Role of Hanuman:
Teja, being senior to me, is already proficient in acting and doesn’t require much coaching (laughs). However, for ‘Hanu-Man,’ I gave Teja a makeover, transforming him from the city boy look in Zombie Reddy to a more rustic village boy appearance. Once the makeover was complete, there was no turning back. Teja invested considerable effort and dedication into this film, putting other projects on hold.

Delayed Completion and VFX Challenges:
Initially planned for a nine-month completion, we faced challenges in understanding the intricacies of VFX. While Zombie Reddy had 50 shots, ‘Hanu-Man’ involved a whopping 1600 shots. Unfortunately, the VFX company couldn’t meet the deadline, requesting additional time. Despite the delays, the journey provided valuable knowledge, and now I can efficiently incorporate VFX in future projects.

Homage to NTR’s Superman:
In ‘Hanu-Man,’ we pay homage to NTR’s Superman. Although initially conceived as the first Telugu superhero movie, we later learned about NTR’s venture. Following that inspiration, we’ve incorporated elements paying tribute to Superman in our film (laughs).

Uniqueness in ‘Hanu-Man’:
While ‘Hanu-Man’ adheres to the superhero film template, its uniqueness lies in the Telugu style of filmmaking. Similar to how Rajamouli presents characters like Batman, I aim to showcase Hanuman in the style of Yash’s portrayal in KGF.

Casting Teja Sajja as the Young Hero:
Teja’s personal charm resonates with everyone, and he hasn’t yet been typecast with a mass image in films. This role demanded an actor like him, someone the audience could naturally connect with when yearning for superpowers.

Positive North India Response:
The response from North India has been exceptional. South Indian cinema is highly regarded, and the enthusiasm for ‘Hanu-Man’ is heartening. The support and congratulatory messages received are beyond expectations.

Prominent Characters in ‘Hanu-Man’:
Apart from Teja Sajja, key roles are portrayed by Amrita Iyer, Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Roy, Getup Srinu, Satya, and a special role by Samudrakhani.

Producer Niranjan Reddy’s Vision:
Niranjan Reddy is an optimistic and passionate producer who aspires to create grand cinematic experiences. He even suggested singing in Spanish if necessary, showcasing his commitment to significant projects.

Balancing Discussion About Theaters and Content:
As a filmmaker, my primary focus is on delivering quality content. However, discussions about theaters unexpectedly took center stage. While it’s something producers should handle, responding to hurtful remarks becomes necessary at times. Ultimately, post-release, the conversation will revolve around the film’s content. ‘Hanu-Man’ is a special movie, and if successful, we plan to continue creating films we can be proud of for the next decade.

Future Plans and Balakrishna’s Involvement:
The success of ‘Hanu-Man’ will influence our decision regarding the next movie. I did narrate a story to Balakrishna, and whether it becomes part of the cinematic universe or remains a standalone film depends on his choice.

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