Dr. Gangadhar Sastry Honored with Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy Award 2023 for Bhagavad Gita Singing


Renowned Bhagavad Gita singer, prophet, propagandist, and founder of BHAGAVADGITAFO1, Dr. Gangadhar Sastry, has been bestowed with India’s prestigious ‘Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy’ award 2023. The recognition comes in acknowledgment of his exceptional contributions in other major traditional music categories.

Dr. Gangadhar Sastry has been a stalwart in the realm of traditional music, specifically in the profound art of Bhagavad Gita singing. His dedication to preserving and propagating the cultural heritage embedded in the verses of Bhagavad Gita has earned him accolades and admiration from both connoisseurs and enthusiasts.

The Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy award is a testament to Dr. Gangadhar Sastry’s unwavering commitment to the art form. It reflects not only his mastery in Bhagavad Gita rendition but also his efforts in promoting and popularizing traditional music, connecting it with contemporary audiences.

The Bhagavad Gita, a revered scripture, holds profound philosophical and spiritual teachings. Dr. Gangadhar Sastry’s unique approach to singing the verses adds a spiritual dimension to the art form, making it accessible and resonant with listeners of diverse backgrounds.

The award, presented by Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy, a premier institution dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Indian performing arts, recognizes outstanding individuals who have significantly contributed to the enrichment of traditional music in various forms.

Dr. Gangadhar Sastry’s accomplishments extend beyond being a performer; he is also acknowledged as a prophet and propagandist, actively involved in spreading the wisdom encapsulated in the Bhagavad Gita. Through his efforts, he has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the timeless teachings of this sacred scripture reach a wider audience.

The honor of receiving the Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy award places Dr. Gangadhar Sastry among the luminaries who have shaped the landscape of traditional music in India. It serves as an inspiration for aspiring artists and reinforces the importance of preserving and promoting our rich cultural heritage.

As Dr. Gangadhar Sastry continues to be a beacon in the realm of Bhagavad Gita singing and traditional music, the Kendra Sangeet Natak Academy award is a fitting tribute to his dedication, talent, and significant contributions to the world of Indian performing arts. It is a moment of pride for the artist, his admirers, and the cultural heritage he passionately represents.

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