Dilip Prakash, Regina Cassandra’s ‘Utsavam’ First Look Poster by Hornbill Pictures

Dilip Prakash Regina Cassandra Utsavam First Look Poster by Hornbill Pictures

The much-anticipated first look poster of the upcoming Telugu drama “Utsavam” was recently unveiled by the makers, Hornbill Pictures, on the occasion of Republic Day. Directed by Arjun Sai and produced by Suresh Patil, the film features an ensemble cast led by Dilip Prakash and Regina Cassandra in the lead roles.

In the striking poster, the protagonist, portrayed by Dilip Prakash, is depicted holding the Nataraja idol in one hand and a crown in the other while seated on the floor amidst various drama props. The captivating image reflects the passion and enthusiasm of the character for the art form. The poster radiates positivity and sets the tone for an impactful cinematic experience. The intriguing caption, “The Show Must Go On,” hints at the intriguing plotline of the film.

Scheduled for a grand teaser launch, “The Rehearsal of Utsavam,” is set to take place on January 28th at 11:34 am. This teaser promises a glimpse into the world of “Utsavam” and sets the stage for what appears to be a compelling narrative.

“Utsavam” revolves around the resurgence of theatre plays, with Dilip Prakash essaying the role of Krishna, a determined individual committed to reviving theaters. Alongside Regina Cassandra, who plays his love interest Rama, the film explores the challenges faced by Krishna as he navigates the intricate world of emotions, family dynamics, and his unyielding passion for the art.

The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Prakash Raj, Nassar, Rajendra Prasad, Bramhanandam, Ali, Prema, L.B. Sriram, Anish Kuruvilla, Priyadarshi, Amani, and Sudha. With accomplished names in the technical crew, such as cinematographer Rasool Ellore and music composer Anup Rubens, “Utsavam” promises to be a complete family entertainer enriched with emotions, love, and entertainment.

As the countdown to the teaser launch begins, fans eagerly await the unraveling of the captivating narrative that “Utsavam” promises to deliver. With its stellar cast and crew, this film is poised to leave an indelible mark on the world of Telugu cinema. Stay tuned for a theatrical journey into the heart of drama, love, and the relentless pursuit of art.

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