Dil Raju is chosen as the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce’s new president.

The Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC) elected prominent producer Dil Raju as its president on Sunday.

In a close race for multiple committees, the Raju panel beat the Kalyan panel.

Raju, whose full name is V. Venkata Ramana Reddy, received 48 votes in the race for president, while Kalyan received 31.

K. L. Damodar Prasad won the position of secretary, while Muthyala Ramadasu won the position of vice president. Treasurer T. Prasanna Kumar was chosen.

Raju praised the people who cast their ballots for choosing him as president and providing his party a majority on the Executive Committee, Exhibitors’ Sector, Distributors’ Sector, Studio Sector, and Producer Sector.

The Producer Executive Committee, which consists of 12 people, elected Raju and six other panelists. Additionally, a majority of the 20 seats on the Producer Sector Council were gained by the panel.

Six seats in the Distributors’ Committee were obtained by the panels of Kalyan and Raju, respectively.

Raju’s panel won three of the four seats on the Studio Executive Committee.

Eight seats each were secured by Raju and Kalyan in the 16-member Exhibitors’ Executive Committee.

1,339 out of the 1,600 members who were present earlier cast their ballots at the Film Chamber headquarters in Film Nagar.

Raju ruled out any disagreements with his competitor Kalyan on Saturday. “We are here to help the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce grow. My panel is made up of all the most popular and effective producers right now, he had said.

He stated that the exhibitors have certain concerns with the governments and that a powerful organization is required to handle these issues.

Despite having “chances to become a Member of Parliament from Telangana,” Raju claimed that he preferred the film industry than politics.

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