Bedurulanka 2012 OTT Release : A  Satirical Comedy Comes Home

bedurlanka 2012 ott

Bedurulanka 2012 is a 2012 Telugu-language satirical comedy film directed by Venu Udugula and produced by Ram Mohan Rao. The film stars Kartikeya, Neha Shetty, and Ajay Ghosh in the lead roles. The film is set in the fictional village of Bedurulanka in Andhra Pradesh, and follows the story of a group of villagers who believe that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. 

This narrative develops into the ethical dilemmas individuals face amidst the widespread paranoia surrounding December 21,2012, often believed to be the end of the world. As a group of villagers seeks to profit from exploiting the fear of impending doom, the protagonist embarks on a journey to make them confront their actions and reveal their misdeeds, all within engaging and entertaining drama.

The film was praised for its unique concept, humorous storytelling, and performances by the cast. It was also a commercial success, grossing over 10 crore at the box office.

Experience this unique and refreshing satire that is sure to entertain audiences of all ages which is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video from September 22, 2023, available in Telugu with subtitles in English.  

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