Nandamuri Balakrishna, popularly known as Balayya, is riding high on success after delivering back-to-back blockbusters like Akhanda, Veera Simha Reddy, and Bhagavanth Kesari. His latest film, Daaku Maharaaj, directed by Bobby Kolli, has received an impressive opening and positive talk, showing promising signs of becoming Balakrishna’s fourth consecutive success.
Known for his high-energy faction entertainers, Balayya once again impressed his fans with a commanding performance in this film. The movie, which released on January 12, 2025, started strong at the box office. The team celebrated this success with a grand party in Hyderabad.
Grand Success Party in Hyderabad
The Daaku Maharaaj team hosted a lavish party on Sunday night to celebrate the film’s success. Along with the cast and crew, Balayya’s close friends and younger actors, including Vishwak Sen and Siddu Jonnalagadda, attended the event. The party was full of energy, with Vishwak Sen and Siddu sharing selfie videos of themselves partying with Balayya.
One particular moment from the celebration caught everyone’s attention. A picture of Balakrishna kissing director Bobby Kolli went viral on social media, reflecting Balayya’s happiness and gratitude for the film’s success.
Bobby Kolli and Team Express Gratitude
At a press meet, the team of Daaku Maharaaj expressed their excitement over the positive response from fans and the audience. Director Bobby Kolli shared his joy on social media, thanking Balakrishna’s loyal fanbase, known as #NBK fans, for their unwavering support.
In a heartfelt message on X (formerly Twitter), Bobby shared his journey of creating the film. He highlighted the two years of hard work that went into the project and expressed his pride in the outcome. He thanked producer Naga Vamsi, who supported the movie with a grand production scale.
Balakrishna Shines in Daaku Maharaaj
In Daaku Maharaaj, Balakrishna appears in a never-before-seen avatar, which has left audiences thrilled. His powerful on-screen presence and action-packed performance have been widely appreciated.
The success of Daaku Maharaaj further cements Balakrishna’s reputation as one of the most bankable stars in Telugu cinema. The team celebrated the achievement in style, making it a memorable occasion for everyone involved.
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