Tamil actor and racing enthusiast Ajith Kumar narrowly escaped a high-speed accident during a practice session for the Dubai 24-hour race. While driving at 180 kmph, Ajith’s car crashed into a barrier and spun seven times. Despite the severity of the crash, the 53-year-old actor walked away unscathed. Security personnel quickly responded, and Ajith was shifted to an ambulance for a routine check-up.
Footage of the accident, shared on the official Instagram page of Ajith Kumar Racing, shows the car’s dramatic impact and the actor calmly exiting the vehicle. His manager, Suresh Chandra, confirmed Ajith is “hale and healthy.”
Ajith Kumar Racing Team and Dubai 24-Hour Race
Ajith owns a racing team, Ajith Kumar Racing, which he launched in September 2024. The team, led by manager Fabian Duffieux, is participating in the prestigious 24H Dubai 2025 race, scheduled for January 11-12. Ajith’s teammates include Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux, and Cameron McLeod.
The crash occurred during a six-hour endurance test, just minutes before the session ended. Despite the damage to his Porsche, Ajith resumed practice with another car, showcasing his commitment to racing.
Ajith Kumar’s Passion for Racing
Ajith’s love for motorsports is well-known. He began his career in the National Motorcycle Racing Championship during the 1990s. Over the years, he has competed in Formula BMW Asia, British Formula 3, and the FIA F2 Championship. After a decade-long break, Ajith has returned to the track with renewed enthusiasm..
His wife, Shalini, supported his racing journey, sharing a heartfelt post about his dedication. “It’s great to see you back doing what you love,” she wrote.
Upcoming Projects
While Ajith excels on the racing track, his acting career continues to thrive. He will soon be seen in Vidaamuyarchi, releasing later this month, and Good Bad Ugly, set to hit theatres on April 10.
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