Actor Kiran Extends Support to Veer Bhadrayya Through the ‘Manam Saitham’ Foundation

Actor Kiran Extends Support to Veera Bhadrayya Through the Manam Saitham Foundation

Renowned actor Kiran Saayam has once again stepped forward to contribute to humanity through the ‘Manam Saitham’ Foundation. In the face of crisis, he reaches out to those in need, providing direct assistance to those affected. Regardless of when, where, or for whom, it’s ‘Manam Saitham’ – a testament to Saayam’s commitment to serving the distressed.

In the latest act of philanthropy, Kiran Saayam, the founder of the ‘Manam Saitham’ Foundation, has financially supported Veer Bhadrayya with a sum of Rs. 25,000. Bhadrayya, facing medical challenges, has received aid to address health concerns and meet necessary expenses. Kiran Saayam’s generous gesture stands as a lifeline for the family of D. Veer Bhadrayya.

This marks another instance where Kiran Saayam, known for his roles in cinema and television, has extended financial support to those in dire need. The ‘Manam Saitham’ Foundation, under his leadership, continues to undertake various charitable initiatives, contributing to the well-being of individuals and families in need.

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