Tollywood actor Fish Venkat, known for his unique roles, has been facing severe health and financial struggles due to kidney failure. His condition recently came to light when he shared an emotional video about his challenges. This heartfelt revelation prompted Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and actor Pawan Kalyan to step in and offer timely assistance.
Health Struggles and Financial Crisis
Fish Venkat has been battling kidney failure, high blood sugar, and blood pressure issues. Both his kidneys have failed, leaving him unable to walk or work in films. He has been undergoing dialysis and receiving treatment at a government hospital. His inability to work has caused severe financial strain on his family.
In his video, Venkat revealed that his family urged him to reach out to influential actors for help. Initially hesitant, he felt uncomfortable asking for support but eventually followed his wife Suvarna’s advice to meet Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan’s Prompt Assistance
When Venkat explained his situation, Pawan Kalyan immediately responded with kindness and empathy. The actor-politician assured Venkat of his full support and promptly transferred ₹2 lakh to his bank account to ease his financial burden.Venkat shared his gratitude in the video, saying, “Pawan Kalyan sir treated me with great respect and responded without hesitation. I pray for his family’s happiness and well-being.”
Fans Praise Pawan Kalyan’s Generosity
The video, widely shared on social media, has drawn praise for Pawan Kalyan. Many admire his timely intervention and generosity in helping a fellow actor during difficult times.
Venkat’s Emotional Message
Venkat described his hardships and thanked those who supported him. He expressed hope that others in the industry would show similar compassion to struggling artists.
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